Aristote technologies

A flexible, effective and entirely configurable workflow

Flexible and scalable architecture


A flexible and user-friendly workflow

Aristote is based on an entirely customizable workflow. This depends on a large library of business rules and ergonomics permitting simple, rapid workflow-based integration with company organization and requirements.

This avoids heavy, costly developments for company-specific needs. Aristote is based on the latest, the most reliable and the most effective technologies.

Facilitated development

On the other hand, existing business rules can be updated with new rules to cover specific requirements without calling into question either system stability or integration of Aristote standard developments.

The business rules available in the workflow can draw equally well on information from the Aristote database as on external databases accessible by web services. Functional administrators can, if they wish, respond more rapidly to new requirements by modifying their workflow directly, without recourse either to LOGAL or to their IT department.

Compatibility and interoperability

100% interoperability between Aristote and all kinds of application

It’s compatible with SAP, Movex, Generix, People Soft, Microsoft AX, Microsoft CRM, Google and many others

A library of APIs allows easy interfacing of Aristote with third-party applications,

Accessibility and development

A centralised solution

Aristote is a Client-Server solution with centralized functions. For the client, the application is accessible in HTTP mode from all major commercial browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Smartphone Browsers). 

Flexibility and performance

  • Standard workflows are made available to cover the full range of business actions necessary to the desired organization.
  • Highly precise and rapid adaptation to user needs.
  • By the immense flexibility of its Workflows, it’s Aristote that conforms to its users’ business practices and not the reverse.
  • Aristote’s wide range of functions over the business rules necessary for the effective and efficient management of company activity.
  • The wide scope of Aristote’s functional coverage allows global management of the activities to which the solution applies.
  • The possibility of modifying the ergonomics using existing business rules.
  • A highly developed and effective user interface.
  • Integration of external data at all levels of the company’s processes in order to automatize and to secure data supply.
  • High-performance, optimized communication within and outside the company through the use of advanced communication media.
  • Allows rapid development of business rules and processes without impacting existing versions.
  • Rapid, secure access to required information.
  • Aristote pilots the users’ business actions which allows the company to thrive in the long term through its information system.

A tradition of innovation

  • Aristote uses the most sophisticated Internet, Intranet, and Extranet functionalities.
  • Aristotle is compatible with the full range of common browsers (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Smartphone browsers).
  • The function permitting the modeling of processes in graphic form allows awareness of business actions and the ability to fine tune their execution, This modeling is directly include in the standard system without need for any supplementary developments.
  • Aristote integrate the functionalities required by GDPR regulation as well as the norm covering payment systems (NF 525).
  • Aristote is versatile, easily adaptable and facilitates the rapid development of organisations.
Buste du philosophe Aristote

Aristote Etymology

Aristotle software develops a theory based on four elements:
The process, the state, the module, the rule.

It considers the existence of workflow to be the fifth element, the source of all progress in the world, the quintessence.

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